Events Calendar

Tactical Shotgun I
Saturday, September 26, 2020, 08:00am - 05:00pm
Hits : 2341
Contact Keith Hanson

This single-day, 8-hour program provides a comprehensive training curriculum for new shooters as well as those already familiar with the tactical or combat shotgun platform.

Students are taken through a ‘basics of safety’ and handling refresher, and move into formal training on the nomenclature and features of the tactical/combat shotgun, in addition to basic marksmanship and operational tactical handling skills.

This direct, hands-on training program aids in the development of the student’s skill-set for proper dry-fire and on-range live-fire training utilizing MSR (Motor Skill Reinforcement) exercises. In addition, this structured program introduces essential fundamentals that will assist the student in establishing a foundational level of technical and tactical proficiency with the modern tactical/combat shotgun.

(A one-hour lunch break is provided mid-day. Meals are the responsibility of the student and are NOT provided.)

Topics to be covered include but are not limited to:

  • Nomenclature of the tactical/combat shotgun.
  • Care and maintenance of the tactical/combat shotgun.
  • Fundamentals of shotgun marksmanship.
  • Setup and usage of the sling.
  • Understanding projectile trajectories.
  • Efficient loading & unloading techniques.
  • Understanding standard shotgun sights.
  • Understanding ‘natural point of aim’.
  • Understanding various types of defensive shotgun ammunition
  • Shotgun shooting stances and positions
  • Unconventional shooting positions.
  • Malfunction/stoppage diagnostics.
  • Immediate action for stoppage clearances.
  • Target analysis and diagnostics.
  • Evaluation drills and much more

The Tactical Shotgun Level 1 class is taught by credentialed and certified law-enforcement tactical firearms instructors.

PRESENTED BY: Critical Dynamics, Inc. TRAINING LEAD: Keith Hanson


At a minimum, students must be able to demonstrate their understanding of basic long gun safety and handling concepts. Completion of a basic firearms course (NRA or SAF Basic Rifle or Basic Shotgun Course) is preferred but not required. Students should be able to demonstrate their understanding of basic firearms safety and handling concepts. This is NOT a hunting shotgun class.


1. Modern tactical/combat shotgun chambered in one of the following calibers: 12-gauge, 16-gauge, 20-gauge, 28-gauge or .410. Semi-automatic or pump actions only. Break-open, side-by-side, or over-under shotguns are not appropriate for this program.

2. Ammunition: 100 rounds of standard bird shot, 75 rounds of 9-pellet 00-buckshot, and 75 rounds of rifled slug.


3. Eye Protection, Ear Protection, and Baseball Style Cap: Sunglasses may be worn in conjunction with a baseball cap with the bill worn forward. Safety glasses must be of the wrap-around type or employ side panels. If wearing prescription glasses, they must be covered with safety glasses unless they meet the above requirements. Earplugs or earmuffs (preferred), and it is highly recommended that a baseball cap with a bill to deflect ejected brass be worn.

4. Appropriate Clothing: Students should bring appropriate clothing to participate in the classroom portion of the training. Students should bring appropriate clothing to participate in the range exercises consistent with prevailing weather and temperature conditions. Range exercises will be conducted in inclement weather unless a safety hazard exists. NOTE: Shorts, sandals, or flip-flops are NOT range-appropriate.

ABSOLUTELY NO: Camouflage fatigues, flak jackets, tac vests, or bright red shirts/outerwear!

5. Note-Taking Material: Pen and a full-sized notebook for note-taking in the classroom. A jumbo permanent marker for use on the range is also highly recommended. A roll of painter's tape is very handy as well!


Q. Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event?

A. This training program is an 18+ event. Under-18 may be considered under special circumstances. Call the Training Lead if you have any questions. You may reach Keith by calling (877) GUN-TRAIN.

Q. What can I bring into the event?

A. Please see the list above.

Q. How can I contact the organizer with any questions?

A. Please feel free to contact the Training Lead, Keith Hanson for questions that are not answered here. You may reach Keith by calling (877) GUN-TRAIN.

Q. Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event?

A. You will be required to present a valid ticket or other valid proof-of-payment. You are encouraged to print out the tickets that will be emailed to you upon your purchase confirmation.

Q. Can I update my registration information?

A. You may update your registration information directly through the Eventbrite portal.

Q. Is it ok if the name on my ticket or registration doesn't match the person who attends?

A. No. Student transfers are only permissible via prior arrangement with the Training Lead.



Location 50 Training Range

400 Yard Range Construction

15,000 Pounds of Explosives