Events Calendar

Defense Training International Instructor Program w/ John Farnam
From Saturday, August 29, 2020 -  08:00am
To Sunday, August 30, 2020 - 05:00pm
Hits : 3034
Contact Bob Boilard

Defense Training International Instructor Program w/ John Farnam

DTI LogobkThis is a two-day Program, designed to train competent Operators to be effective defensive handgun instructors.

Subjects include instructional technique, managing a Class, identifying instructional issues and individual problems, coaching students, fielding questions, safety issues, running a class and adhering to the scenario.

Students will perform a number of shooting drills and be lectured/coached by other students. Students will be called upon to prepare an immediate lesson plan and deliver a number of off-the-cuff lectures.

Students will become familiar with DTI live-fire drills and range procedures.

In order to qualify for this Course, students need to have successfully completed previous professional training from us or other competent sources.

Required number of rounds of pistol ammunition is 500. Students will need at least two magazines or speed loaders, eye (safety glasses) and hearing protection, a sturdy belt, a high-quality, concealable belt holster, magazine/speed loader carriers, a baseball cap, and rain gear.

We can work with all serious pistol calibers. Permitted are 38Spl, 357Mg, 380Auto, 9mm, 9X23, 357Sig, 40S&W, 45GAP, 45ACP. Not permitted are 22 rimfire, 25Auto, 32Auto, and 5.7X28.

john for blog11 1All our holster work is from concealment.

Also, a serious rifle and 150 rounds of ammunition

Instructed by John Farnam

WHEN: August 29th & 30th 2020
WHERE: Londonderry Fish & Game Club
TIME: 9AM til Sunset
TUITION: $725 (online registration) / $750 (cash or check)
To regsiter go to

Location 50 yard Training Range